Hemp Derived Edible Cannabinoid Products – MDA Guidance
The MDA has released the following information regarding the production of hemp derived edible cannabinoid products. Minnesota cottage food producers are not allowed to produce this type of food product for humans or pets.
Hemp Derived Edible Cannabinoid Product Guidance for Food Operators
Non-Potentially Hazardous Food Guidance for Humans
As of July 1, 2015, cottage food producers can sell non-potentially hazardous (NPH) foods made in their home kitchens, without a license (Minnesota Statute 28A.152). However, you must first register with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture in order to sell these foods. Non-potentially hazardous (NPH) foods are foods that do not support the rapid growth of bacteria that would make people sick when held outside of refrigerated temperatures. These are the types of foods the Minnesota Cottage Foods Law exempts from licensing. MFMA and MNCFPA have worked with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, the Minnesota Department of Health, and the University of Minnesota Extension Food Safety Team to compile this list.
This document is offered as a guideline. Cottage food producers are responsible for ensuring their products meet the legal requirements of the law. If a food item is not on this list, contact the Minnesota Department of Agriculture: email: MDA.CottageFood@state.mn.us -or- call: 651-201-6081.
MNCFPA NPH Foods List (July 23, 2023)
Cat and Dog Pet Treat Non-Potentially Hazardous Food Guidance
Additional legislative changes were passed (Minnesota Statute 28A.152) in 2021 to include the addition non-potentially hazardous cat and dog pet treats (Minnesota Statute 25.391), with an effective date of August 1, 2021.
This document is offered as a guideline. Cottage food producers are responsible for ensuring their products meet the legal requirements of the law. If a food item is not on this list, please contact the Minnesota Department of Agriculture: MDA.FFSDPetFood.MDA@state.mn.us or 651-201-6221.
Cat and Dog Treat NPH Guidance Document Current as of 02.17.20203
Pet Food Product Exemptions for Minnesota Commercial Feed License Holders
Under certain conditions, some chews, bones, and toys are exempt from the Minnesota Commercial Feed Regulations. Here is a document from the Minnesota department of Agriculture: 2021-MDA-Exempt-Pet-Products
If you have additional questions or need assistance with this exemption, please contact: 651-201-6221 or send an email to MDA.FFSDPetFood.MDA@state.mn.us or visit www.mda.state.mn.us/petfood