We have been collaborating with the University of Minnesota Extension office and the MDA in creating a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan template that Cottage Food Producers can use as a resource to complete their own plan. Here is the background on why the plan is necessary, what needs to be included in the plan, and two of plans that registered cottage food producers have created. Please note that you are not required to use the template or either of the plans to create your plan.


All Minnesota businesses must establish and implement a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan per Emergency Executive Order 20-74. https://www.leg.state.mn.us/archive/execorders/20-74.pdf .The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry template https://www.dli.mn.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/COVID_19_business_plan_template.pdf was adapted to help Minnesota Cottage Food Producers comply with the order. It is provided as guidance and can be adjusted as needed to accommodate your business. More information can be found at Stay Safe Guidance: Businesses & Organizations https://staysafe.mn.gov/industry-guidance/index.jsp.

The Plan

As a registered CFP, you have likely already developed food safety protocols for your cottage food business, including handwashing, employee hygiene and cleaning and sanitizing of equipment, food contact surfaces as well as other surfaces. These steps are an extension of those processes to minimize (CDC) and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) guidelines, federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards and applicable executive orders related to safety and health in their workplaces where exposure exists for you, your household members, employees and/or customers

The plan must be written, developed and implemented with the participation of others helping with your business. Plans must be communicated to workers and posted at the workplace in a manner that is accessible for workers to review. Keep the plan on file. The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI), in consultation with the Minnesota Department of Health, has the authority to determine whether a plan is adequate.

You are not required to use this template or completed plans. However, all plans must address the components included in the state of Minnesota industry guidance for our industry. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://staysafe.mn.gov/industry-guidance/food-agriculture.jsp&sa=D&ust=1593560252072000&usg=AFQjCNFhgwl34fbHcIrjrxXWCXxZlJfAdA

COVID19 Preparedness Plan Template:

CFP COVID-19 Preparedness Plan Template (1)

COVID19 Preparedness Plans that have been created by registered CFP’s:

Sweet Eats COVID Prep Plan

Zella Maes by Jennifer COVID



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